This November 8th City of Asheville residents will have a chance to vote on three bond questions that would generate $74 million in revenue for parks and recreation, affordable housing, and transportation network projects. Some examples are:

    • $17 million in parks and recreation improvements like playgrounds, restrooms, lighting and acquiring land for new parks.
    • $25 million to make city-owned land available affordable housing and increase funding for new affordable housing via the Housing Trust Fund
    • $32 million for transportation safety and network projects like road repairs, sidewalks, greenways, bus shelters, pedestrian accessible crossings and traffic calming.

Bond-funded projects have been thoroughly vetted by the community and are vital to improving the quality of life and economic prosperity for all Asheville residents. Projects were prioritized with consideration to equity and fairness across the community.

Learn more about specific bond projects, how they will be paid for and more on the City’s Project Website and our Bond Overview.


Make sure to vote YES FOR ALL THREE BONDS at the bottom of your ballot this November. 

Vote YES at the BOTTOM to take Asheville to the TOP!!

